OTC Testosterone Boosters Versus Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

 Making an Informed Choice

Understanding Over-the-Counter (OTC) Testosterone Boosters- Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic Iowa City

Over the counter (OTC) testosterone boosters are dietary supplements marketed to individuals looking to enhance their testosterone levels without the need for a prescription. Anyone who watches television has likely seen commercials for testosterone boosting products, such as Nugenix. The advantage of these products is that you don’t need a doctor to prescribe them. Despite their popularity, the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of OTC testosterone boosters remains limited and inconclusive.

Testosterone is a sex hormone present in both men and women. It contributes to sexual desire, sexual performance, muscle mass, sperm production, and facial/body hair growth. At age 30 testosterone production begins to decline. Poor nutrition, certain medications, and illness can all contribute to further lowering testosterone levels.

Testosterone boosters often contain ingredients such as fenugreek, zinc, maca, and ashwagandha. It is important to note that not only is evidence for these supplements lacking, but additionally, the FDA does not regulate over the counter supplements, so one must always keep in mind that there is no guarantee that you are receiving exactly what is advertised. Research that is available on testosterone boosting supplements shows that the most common ingredients used are not significantly effective in boosting testosterone levels.


In a small 2018 study that lasted 8 weeks, 44 individuals took fenugreek along with Lespedeza cuneata, while another 44 participants took a placebo. In the supplement group 34% had significant changes in their testosterone levels. When these changes were compared to be placebo group the findings were not statistically significant. There have been some additional studies that mimic these results, showing no clear benefit to testosterone levels from fenugreek supplementation.


Though there is some evidence that low zinc levels can be associated with low testosterone levels there has been no study showing an increase in testosterone associated with zinc supplementation. Additionally, it is known that overly inflated levels of zinc can be associated with headaches, appetite suppression, nausea and vomiting. It can also lower good cholesterol levels and cause low copper levels.


Evidence for maca increasing testosterone levels through supplementation is completely absent.


Ashawganda, as a supplement does have some evidence behind it for increasing testosterone levels, levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). LH and FSH are hormones produced by the pituitary gland that signal the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm. The evidence showing increased levels of these sex hormones with ashwagandha is mostly based on studies conducted on individuals with infertility. Extrapolating these results to the general population may be an overgeneralization.

Making an Informed Decision: OTC Boosters versus TRT

If for whatever reason an individual is resistant to the idea of testosterone supplementation and is considering a testosterone booster, they would be well served to consider natural ways to increase testosterone levels. This includes maintenance of a healthy weight, eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, not smoking or using tobacco products, and moderating alcohol intake.

When evaluating efficacy, TRT has a substantial body of clinical evidence supporting its effectiveness in treating medically diagnosed testosterone deficiency. Administered under medical supervision, TRT provides consistent and measurable results. On the other hand, OTC testosterone boosters, which often contain natural ingredients like herbs and vitamins, have varying levels of scientific support mostly lacking evidence of benefit.

Though the idea of increasing one’s testosterone levels through an over-the-counter product is attractive, the evidence for these supplements doing what they are advertised to do is lacking. These supplements carry their own potential side effects, the advertised ingredients may not be present, and the content of the supplements is not regulated. Furthermore, these supplements can be quite costly. Testosterone supplementation requires medical supervision and a prescription, but the evidence for it increasing libido, improving mood, providing more energy, decreasing pain, increasing bone density, and improving muscle mass is plentiful.

At Connected Care NP we can provide expert guidance on the potential life changing and powerful impact that testosterone supplementation can have. Additionally, we can help you to obtain and supplement with testosterone affordably if appropriate.

Beyond medical and supplemental interventions, lifestyle and dietary factors play a critical role in maintaining healthy testosterone levels. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, adequate sleep, and stress management can naturally enhance testosterone production. A holistic approach that combines professional healthcare guidance with healthy lifestyle practices can optimize testosterone health effectively.


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